WORSHIP Services
9:45 am Sunday School
(Classes for all ages)
11:00 AM Contemporary Service
Whether you prefer classic hymns of the faith or modern worship music we have something for everyone.
When we are currently open for in person services and are live streaming as well. We have a traditional style worship service and a contemporary service.
Come worship with us in song, prayer, and hearing God's inspired word.


We have many opportunities to serve at CWC including
Food Drives
Monthly Community Lunches
Operation Christmas Child
Homeless Ministry
and so much more.
Come and join us in blessing families in our community.
At CWC we are dedicated to your spiritual growth.
We offer many ways to connect with other believers in the study of God's word.
Come and find out how you can connect with other in fellowship and strengthen your relationship with Christ.

Small Goups, Bible Studies & Sunday School